Thursday, June 24, 2010

~engagement = fiance = happy moment~ =)))


guess what??
i'm engaged?? i've got fiance??


hehe.. bukanlah.. its about my brother engagement... 19 June 2010.. just want to share the moment eventhough it is only an engagement and not marriage yet.. Minta doakan mereka semoga ke jinjang pelamin dan bahagia ke akhir hayat dlm redha ILLAHI..

Orang negeri sembilan.. tunangnya juga org negeri sembilan tpi berlainan suku.. Pasal suku ni agk penting jugak kalau anak negeri sembilan nak kahwin dengan org negeri sembilan jugak.. bkn ape takut tersame suku.. tpi tu sume adat je kan.. tak nak komen banyak.. jom layan gambar2 yg sempat dirakam hari tu..

~haa.. ni hantaran dari pihak lelaki.. 5 dulang di balas 7 dulang oleh pihak perempuan.. my handmade+shopmade.. sbb tu ade yg x cantik sgt.. huhu~

~ni la my brother's fiance.. Siti Hajar namanye.. (i started to like her.. haha)~

~my sis and my mom~

~my mom, my sis, my grandmom and 'org yg x diketahui namenye~

~going to be a family soon.. insyaAllah~

~nak inteprem gak ngan my sis ni~ huhu

tu lah sedikit sebanyak gambar sepanjang majlis pertunangan tu.. Smoga mendapat berkat dan berakhir dgn baik.. insyaAllah..

P/S: To my bro and my sis... sorry upload pic ni tpi tak mintak izin dlu.. hahaha..

sampai sini dulu... daa~~~

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

What am I doing now....

Almost two month my contract with UiTM as a student was finished..
Feeling quite sad but happy because all of the moments at UiTM was really great..
I learn a lot there...

How to manage the time properly.. how to be friend with the others that have different kinds of attitude.. how to deal with people.. how to share with others and taking care of other people.. How to be matured.. and the most important thing, student life always teach us how to be closed with Allah and also teach us to accept all the fates that Allah had been created for us.. That is the most wonderful things that all people need to remember..

And now, life must be going on..
All of the things will be the guidelines for me and others to carry on our life, duty and job..

What am i doing now?? haha.. quite sad.. but still can be happy because...

I was still be at home..

Helping my mother as a fulltime housekeeper...

Seeking for job (from newspaper and internet)...

and actually, not all the things that i did at home is beneficial to me and others.. Some of it is just wasting my time.. but im happy with that such as im downloading movies and dramas then wacth it.. haha.. like now i'm watching supernatural series.. trying to finish all the 5 seasons.. interesting but i cannot do other things when i started watch this series (wasting time hah).. huhu

so the other candidates, dont take the path that im taken.. define ur purpose of life ok... dont watching2 like me.. hehe

Thats all for now.. daa~~~

Monday, June 21, 2010

Tutup buku lame... buka buku baru... =)

Assalamualaikum semua....

bertemu kembali di blog ni...
lame dah tak jenguk..
rindu pulak kat blog kesayangan ni..
tangan ni rase da gatal nk menaip bebelan kat sini ( tpi x de cite best pon ... hehe)

Sebulan dah berlalu..
Pengajian kat UiTM pun dah tamat..
sekarang ni masih melepak di rumah..
mencari hala tuju (tulah.. dulu org suruh plan awl2 tak nak... kan dah susah)..
kena cari kerja lah kan..

jadi sekarang gelaran pelajar dah tak de.. so kna tutup buku kehidupan sebagai pelajar.. nak kena bukak buku baru pulak.. buku baru ni buat mase ni tak bertajuk lagi.. tajuk suri rumah sepenuh mase boleh jugak rasenye.. hehe..

Tapi tak kisah la..
yang penting sekarang..
aku bersyukur sebab dapat berkumpul semula dengan keluarga..
abang aku pun dah balik dari Jepun..
sekarang tiap2 minggu dapat berkumpul dan berkongsi cerita..

ha.. ni la abg aku.. =D

Harapanku agar nikmat ni diberkati..
dan benda2 ni semua akan mengeratkan lagi hubungan kekeluargaan..
(Semoga tahun ni dapat berhari raye bersame-same... dah 5 tahun berhari raya tanpa Along a.k.a abg sulung).. insyaAllah..