Wednesday, October 27, 2010

happy birthday to me..

happy birthday to me...
happy birthday to me...
happy birthday to me...
happy birthday to me...


takde angin tak de ribut saje nak nyanyi untuk diri sendiri..

26 October 1988..
5.15 pm..
In a tiny room at Hospital Besar Melaka..
There were nurses and doctor..
trying to help a mom giving birth to her child..
trying to help one of Allah's new slave to have a breath in this world..
trying harder and harder..
trying to save both of life..
a screaming of a crying baby was heard all around the corner..
a cute baby girl was born..
Both lives were saved..
Father recite Azan on the right ear and Iqamah to the left ear..
Kalam Allah was the first word to be listen by this baby..
Hopefully this will prevent this cute baby girl from any bad influence..

yesterday, I am 22 years old..
Within this 22 years, I have had many chances given by Allah..
I had a chance to have a breath in this world..
I had a chance to know who is my parent..
I had a chance to have many relatives..
I had a chance to be loved by my grandparent..
I had a chance to have many friends..
I had a chance to travel to certain places in this world..
I had a chance to get to know what is angry, sadness, and happiness..
I had a chance to learn so many things in this world..
and the most important thing,
I had a chance to be born as a Muslim with Allah as a god, Muhammad as my Nabi and Quran as my guidance..




Now it is time to improve..
From bad to good one..
From lazy to the harworking one..
From tempered person to a cool person..
From immature to mature person..
From unproductive muslim to a productive muslim..


My monolog:

All this need to be improve and also some other things..
But it also need time..
No need to improve drastically..
Learn something from day to day until u understand yourself..
Then u'll get to improve all this..

Thank you to all my friends for birthday wishes.. May Allah bless all of u and help u to find the right path with his guidance.. insyaAllah..

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Visit to Jengka 2..

Salam to all..
How are you guys?

last week, saye dan family pergi ke rumah mak longku di jengka 2 pahang..
Seronok sgt nak pegi sane sbb dah lame dah tak menjengah ke pahang..
Tapi pergi sekejap je.. pergi sabtu pagi balik ahad pagi.. takpelahkan..
niat pun nak berziarah.. sekejap pun jadi..

Jom layan gambar-gambar kat sane..

Ha ni kat depan rumah maklong.. Wanita berbaju biru tu lah mak longku.. kakak kepada emak..

nilah cucu-cucu mak longku a.k.a anak2 saudaraku.. huhu.. diorang patutnye panggil saya m.ngah.. tpi rase mcm tue lakkn.. jadi diorang pun panggil saya kak ngah.. hehe

3 serangkai:
Husna - kakak kepada huda.. periang dan cerdik
Huda - budak comel yang suke senyum.. hehe
Mina - Sepupu Huda dan Husna.. Seorang yang istimewa..

haha.. cute.. cute... macam anime pulak huda ni.. hehe

hehe.. bergambar beramai-ramai...

nilah sedikit sebanyak gambar kat sane.. =)))

P/s - mak long ni umurnya dah 63 tahun masih kuat lagi.. menjaga cucunya.. tapi yang paling penting mak longnye masakan memang sedap.. mesti ebrtambah bile makan.. hehe