How are you today??? Hopefully, everything are good...
Hari ni just nak share some of my best friend wedding.. Actually dah sebulan dah wedding nye.. just baru ade mase nak update..
Ni adalah wedding kawan yang pertama yang saye hadiri.. selain tu, pengantin perempuan ni boleh dikatakan my soulmate jugakla... yelah, dah kenal die sejak dari tadika lagi... agak lame tempoh persahabatan saye dengan die.. sayang sangat dengan pengantin perempuan ni.. hehe.. tapi dah walimah dah die.. dah tukar status, dah ade tanggungjawab lain.. Just, hopefully, she will be happy with her marriage and enjoy her life with her hubby...
dapat jugak bergambar bersame pengantin...
bersame-same classmate yang hadir..
I am really happy attending her wedding.. really enjoy with my old friends... this is like some sort of reunion.. hopefully one day we will meet again...
To mimi & fadzil,
just wish u congratulation...
may Allah ease your life and let both of u living in happiness, mawaddah wa rahmah...
I am really happy with u my best friend...
(lepas ni doakan sy pulak ye.. hehe)
I am really happy attending her wedding.. really enjoy with my old friends... this is like some sort of reunion.. hopefully one day we will meet again...
To mimi & fadzil,
just wish u congratulation...
may Allah ease your life and let both of u living in happiness, mawaddah wa rahmah...
I am really happy with u my best friend...
(lepas ni doakan sy pulak ye.. hehe)