Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Facebook deactivated....

Assalamualaikum to all...

Today i just want to inform all my friends who always read my blog and also people who are being my friends on facebook, that i am no longer having a facebook...
I just deactivated it...
There is no a big reason but i just want to rest for a while from facebook addiction..
Eventhough i updated my status and comment on others status very RARELY, but it really took much of my time by only stalking my friends ( i am a stalker right?... ahaks).. so because of that.. i need some rest and honestly i feel more comfortable, convenience and calm by doing like this..
However, it is just TEMPORARILY until certain of period I will activated my facebook back.. So my friends, we can still keep in touch by texting message , composing email, ym and skype..
InsyaAllah, I will update my status or anything happen in my life in this lovely blog and also twitter...

Ok guys, till we meet again...

My monologue:
I hope we can still keep in touch friends...

Best Regards;

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

About love~~~

Assalamualaikum to all....

How are you guys?? How was your life? Is everything ok?
or maybe something wrong somewhere? hehehe...

Whatever it is, don't let your bad feeling dominate your life... Ok friend?

Actually there is an issue that bother me... Everywhere I go, everything I read even during conversation with friends this is the thing that people will talk about... Sometimes it is fun to talk about it.. but sometimes it can kill the happiness and let u down, frustrated, inferior, afraid because we do not know our fate...

or maybe other people already have their one but u still in finding your mr/mrs right...
or maybe you find him/her but your time to settle down still not come...
or maybe you want him/her but him/her do not have interest on you..
or maybe you find him/her but you are not sure either he/she is really created for you or not... or maybe you want he/she but there is parent objection...
or maybe you want he/she but their parent object you..

hmmm... readers, you get my point right? I am sure you understand and the circumstances will not only these but can be many-many circumstances... Whatever it is, we cannot run from the fact that THIS IS ISSUE THAT WE HAVE TO FACE WHEN YOU ARE REACHING YOUR SWEET AGE!!! (orang kate dah sesuai nak kawen la senang citer... rupe da mcm mak org or bapak org.. whatever la kan) huhu...

Actually, if we cannot face this issue wisely the tendency for us to be depressed is high so we have to manage them bravely and think first before take an action... We have to calm when hearing this topic, smile heavenly and try to find something funny to make people laugh... So here, I want to share some doa, poem and some nice words that we can use to motivate ourself when this issue is bothering us and as a guidelines to face the situation... insyaAllah..
because I know,

'penantian satu penyeksaan'


'Allah sentiasa bersama orang yang sabar dan pasti kesabaran itu akan dibayar dengan balasan yang setimpal.. Jadi bersabarlah dalam penantian menunggu takdir yang ditetapkan '

"Jika hati masih mencari...."

Hati ..

janganlah kau sibukkan mengejar cinta mujahid,

Tapi kejarlah cinta Penciptanya …

Hati ..

janganlah kau lekakan aku dengan angan-anganmu,

Sedangkan masih terlalu banyak ilmu perlu kau raih ..

Hati ..

sedarkah kau ujian itu sunnah perjuangan ?

Tapi kau masih terlalu rapuh menghadapinya ..

Duhai hati ..


"jika hati sudah tertaut kepada si kumbang/si mawar"

Ya Allah.
Seandainya telah kau catatkan,
Dia milikku, tercipta buatku,
Satukanlah hatinya dengan hatiku,
Titipkanlah kebahagiaan antara kami,
Agar kebahagiaan itu kekal abadi...

Ya Allah ya tuhanku yang maha mengasihi,
Seiringkanlah kami melayari hidup ini,
Ketepian yang sejahtera dan abadi,
Maka jodohkanlah kami......

Tetapi Ya Allah,
Seandainya telah kau takdirkan,
Dia bukan milikku,
Bawalah dia jauh dari pandanganku,
Luputkanlah dia dari ingatanku,
dan peliharalah aku dari kekecewaan....

Ya Allah ya tuhanku yang maha mengerti,
berilah aku kekuatan menolak bayangnya jauh ke dada langit,
hilang bersama senja nan merah,
Agarku sentiasa tenang,
Walaupun tanpa bersamanya......

Ya Allah ya tercinta,
Pasrahkanlah aku dengan takdirmu,
Sesungguhnya apa yang telah engkau takdirkan,
Adalah yang terbaik untukku,
Sesungguhnya engkau maha mengetahui,
Segala yang terbaik buat hambamu...
Cukuplah engkau sahaja menjadi pemeliharaku
Di dunia dan di akhirat,
Dengarlah rintihan dari hambamu yang dhaif ini

Janganlah engkau biarkan aku sendirian
Di dunia mahupun di akhirat
Janganlah engkau biarkan aku terjerumus ke arah kemaksiatan dan kemungkaran

Maka kurniakanlah aku pasangan yang beriman
Agar aku dan dia sama-sama
dapat membina kesejahteraan hidup
Ke jalan yang engkau redhai
Dan kurniakanlah aku keturunan yang soleh dan solehah

Ya Allah
Berikanlah kami kebahagiaan
di dunia dan di akhirat
dan peliharalah kami dari azab api neraka....



Jika hati terasa resah dan letih menanti jodoh..... Fikirkan dan renungkan....

'Jodoh kita Allah holdkan dulu sama ada dalam bentuk kekangan kewangan, adat, ibu bapa dan macam-macam lagi mungkin kerana banyak lagi perkara tentang diri kita yang perlu dibaiki'

'Jodoh yang belum sampai bukan bermaksud Allah nak biarkan kita sendiri tetapi Allah nak kita bina cinta dan kukuhkan cinta kita terhadap Allah dahulu'

'Jodoh mungkin juga belum sampai sebab jodoh kita tu baik orangnya tetapi kita ni masih belum sampai ke tahap yang baik itu.. Jadi sebab tulah kita kena perbaiki diri agar kita juga akan sampai ke tahap yang baik itu agar jodoh kita dicepatkan'

'Jodoh yang belum sampai juga adalah satu tanda kepada kita bahawa kita masih ada peluang untuk bebakti kepada ibu bapa kita sebaik-baiknya"
(bukanlah maksuh bile dah kawen tak dapat nak berbakti kepada ibu bapa tapi mesti ade kekangan.. faham-faham sendirilah yek)

Okeylah kawan-kawan, rase nak share yang ni je dulu... kebanyakan kata-kata kat atas selalu

saya jadikan pegangan dalam nak mengawal hati dan perasaan.. Ya, cinta itu fitrah.. tapi perlu

berlandaskan jalan yang betul sebelum diberikan kepada yang berhak memilikinya... teringat

seorang rakan yang baru dikenali, berumur 25 tahun dan sudah berkahwin... katanya, dalam

berkawan dia betulkan niatnya.. niatnya ingin mencari suami bukan mencari teman lelaki (nice

kan.. ) doa-doa atau kate-kate kat atas sesuaikanlah dengan situasi rakan-rakan... Maafkan

andai ade kata-kata yang menyinggung.. sesungguhnya ini hanya perkongsian dari sy serba

serbi kekurangan pengetahuan tentang cinta ini... semoga kita sama-sama menemui cinta yang

sejati, pasangan yang beriman yang boleh bersama-sama kita menuju ke syurga.... Cinta Allah

cinta yang abadi...

Sunday, September 11, 2011

hey.. hey.. new post...

Assalamualaikum to all...

How are you guys? It such a long time i did not visit this blog.. I have quite a busy schedule last this 3 month + my emotion is always swinging around that sweep away my moods to write...

Actually i am an emotional person.. Once my feeling hurt it is hard for me to recover back (mengade-ngade kan? huu) .. It will take a long time for me to return on the right track.. However, i always try not to think about that...

Today is a day for me to return to UKM. To start a new chapter of my life in UKM.. This semester that i really hope to be the last semester for me to be here.. After this i would like to concentrate on my future, I want to build up my career and soon my own family.. So, I need to finish up my MSc with flying colors and deep in my heart, I hope Allah will help me, and ease my way to achieve my dream..

So, for this new semester or maybe a new chapter of me in UKM, I will state several things that I have to work very-very hard to get it. In fact, I do not really like to tell others what I want and what is my dreams and targets.. But, here I really want to put my list of targets for this semester on this blog. This is because I feel it such a promise that I make with myself and also my blog readers that I really want to achieve all this.. So, I will take it seriously and do it earnestly.. (try to train myself not to succumb easily)

Things that I will achieve for this semester:

  • I will finish up my thesis without any complaints from myself
  • I will write thesis as informative as I can
  • I will do my work assignments WITHOUT DELAY!!!!
  • I will get 4 flat for this semester
  • I will be more patient (try not to be tempered easily)
  • I will learn about self limiting beliefs (readers, self limiting beliefs is a knowledge which is really-really interesting to know.. Self limiting beliefs such an enemy to us that prevent us to be brave and confident. Let us learn about this.. I also just started to try understand it)
  • I will reduce my self limiting beliefs and later remove it
  • I will enhance my skills on cooking
  • I will enhance my skills on doing household work
  • I will be a person who is confident and brave to talk with others and to share what I know with others even I do not know the person very well
  • I will be a good muslimah, daughter, student and friend
  • I will be a more obedient slave to Allah
Wow, so many things that I want to achieve.. But its okay.. I will try hard to get it.. people say it is good to aim something higher so that we will seriously do it... Do it seriously, continously, earnestly so all that can be achieve... However, after work hard on it, we have to TAWAKKAL to Allah... HE is the best planner and knows what is better for us... ALLAH is the most powerful...

My monologue:

Today I return to UKM with some memories of my late father which I really-really miss him... I remember a conversation between my father and I.. My late father want me to work first then if I want to continue my studies, then I can.. But I am not an obedient child.. I want to study first then work.. So, when I get a chance to continue and my father allow me to study, it is such a promise for me to him that I will do this master seriously and complete it with flying colors. Even though I can feel the different between my undergraduate study and my postgraduate study. During my undergraduate, my father is there for me but now, he return to Allah.. But nevermind... Your spirit is always with me.. Because I know, my father is not easily to succumb and he will do his best to get what he want.. I want to make him and my mother proud of me..